There has been friction between the motorized community and government agencies for too long! Highland Cycles and WESTCORE want to end that NOW!
We have been thinking about this for a long time and we hate it when Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the BLM send out law enforcement right after our OHV tags expire and give out tickets. Of course, we should all be better at getting our tags and staying on top of that but let's be honest... WE AREN'T good about that and quite a few of us buck the system anyway. Well, we want to stop that now and get on the same page with our land management agencies.
We came up with what we believe to be a great idea. Instead of getting a ticket for not having your stickers shortly after they expire, why don't we have a big fun party at the end of March and sell stickers?! That is the whole point anyway right? Get people to buy the stickers?? So that is what we are doing! We are hosting the first ever Highland Cycles OHV Tag Sale Day out at Peach Valley on March 31st!
The BLM, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Colorado Stay the Trail and Colorado Canyons Association will be joining us to sell permits and help educate all of us about why the OHV money is so important to our community.
Don't buck the system! If you aren't getting your permits through the mail then come out and buy your permits at Peach Valley on March 31st between 10 am and 4 pm. You can also meet the WESTCORE guys and learn about how they are helping our community through trail advocacy. Let's develop a relationship with our land management agencies and work together to help keep our valley AWESOME!
Highland Cycles will be providing food and drinks and there will, of course, be DIRTBIKES!!!